Sunday 6 November 2011

First Post

My name is Brett. I'm 41 years old. I live in a suburb West of  Melbourne with my partner James.
I consider my life to be a happy one and I've had many happy and enriching experiences over the years.

I've also had very sad times. Very unhappy times. Times when I wanted to give up altogether. But I believe it's the sad, unhappy & challenging times that have allowed me to live in the happy space that I'm in now.

I come from a lower socio-economic background. Single mother in a 2 bedroom flat in a (then) poor suburb. I've had times when I've thought that success was unattainable. I've had times when I've had to seek out food vouchers. Times I felt Stupid and useless. Times when I've lived out of my old and battered car. Times when I thought I didn't have a friend in the World. Times when I thought that I was so different from everyone else on the planet, that nobody could even understand me.

But I've also had times of utter joy. Times I've felt so loved that it's taken my breath away. Times when I had more money in the bank that I thought I''d ever see in my lifetime. Times when I've felt like the luckiest man alive.

So I have stories. I have morals. I have values. I have opinions. I now have a blog where I can share all of these things with whoever cares to read about them.

And this is the first :)


  1. Hi Brett!
    Awesome introduction!
    I look forward to reading more...
    - Antz :)

  2. Oh, one other thing ...
    I'd like to know when you post so hoped you can maybe enable 'Subscribe by email' so I can be notified when you post =)

  3. As soon as I work out how to do that, I'll get right onto it :P
